Upcoming Changes

It has been some time since I have been able to post anything on this page and for that I apologize.  Many things have gone on here but now things are finally settled and I will be picking up my blog writing again.  The only (but big) change is that I will be moving to a new page called springstreasures.wordpress.com.  This new page will be a single place to write about all of the ventures I have going on in my life including writing, eBay, sewing, etsy and my youtube channel.  The email address for everything will now be springstreasures@gmail.com, please feel free to email me with whatever questions, comments or just general thoughts.  

I have the new page is technically up and running but I have not personalized it yet, that should be done in the next few days.  I hope this change goes smoothly but please be patient, life is all about change after all.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Over the last few weeks, our world has seen much sorrow and heartbreak.  So my wish for all of you…..I wish for peace.  I wish for harmony.  I wish for love.  I wish this with the thought that it doesn’t matter to me the extent of your spirituality or what/who you choose to worship.  It doesn’t matter where you were born or what color your skin is.  I wish only the best for each and every one of you.

The new year is coming.  Let’s work together to make it better than the last.


The last few weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions for me and frankly, I am done.  As I have said in previous posts, my husband and I have been trying to have a baby since we married six years ago with no luck.  We finally made the decision to adopt and thought that adopting from the foster care system was the best thing for us.  We applied at an agency, went through all of the classes, filled out every form and were 99% through the process and that’s when we hit our road block.

I won’t go into exactly what that road block was but it was big enough for the agency to deny us our home study.  This is where my anger enters the picture.  Decisions.  So many others made decisions that affected my life.  First God made the decision that I would not be able to become pregnant.  The someone made the decision to not share information that was pertinent to our application.  Someone else made the decision to tell others an incredibly skewed version of reality, again affecting our application.  Another group of people got together and made the decision that nothing that we said would make them see what was really happening and that they would not help us any further.

So here we are, eight months later, no closer to having a baby than when we started.  My husband and I do not have the money to try more invasive fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization. We also do not have the money that a straight adoption agency would charge.  We don’t have the home study that would enable us to apply for a grant to cover adoption related costs and our denial from the first agency means that other agencies would think long and hard and probably still would not let us into their program.

So when do I make the decision to stop?  When do I decide that my heart can not stand the ache and realize that I will never be a mother?  When will I be able to be in a group of people, families with children, and not feel like I want to burst into tears?  When will I be able to be truly happy when I hear of someone I know who has just discovered they are pregnant?

I am done!  I don’t have $15,000.  I want a baby.  I want to be a mother.  I want to rock my child to sleep.  I want to take my child to the first day of school.  I want to whip my child’s tears when they fall from their first bike.  I want to help my child get ready for their wedding day.  Why am I not worthy of having any of that?  Who did I piss off in some cosmic universe?  I am done!


I would like to ask everyone to sit down and think about respect.  I want you all, every day, in every situation to  think about other people and their feelings.  Don’t put out someone else’s candle just to make your flame shine brighter.

I have had a very hard week where I have been dismissed, belittled and ignored and while I am dealing with that in my own life, I want to bring awareness to everyone else.  If I can make one person stop, think and not treat someone badly, I will feel like I have accomplished one good thing in my life.

The Cold Case Murder of Michael Lowther

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about Michael Margaret and Donna Hall, a young couple murdered in 1984.  This cold case has gotten a huge amount of attention recently with family and friends determined that this case must be solved, these two young people must get justice and their killer must finally be caught and put in prison.

Last week, a link to a video regarding this case was put up on a social media site.  The video was put together by the Henrico County, Virginia police department, although I’m not sure when, and profiled Mike and Donna’s case and the murder of Michael Lowther.  I had not heard anything about Mr. Lowther so I decided to look up his case.  I was surprised and frankly saddened to find nothing online regarding his case.  No newspaper articles, no odd mention on a website, only his name listed on a county website with scores of other cases waiting to be solved.

I do not want to take away attention from any cold case that has a chance of being solved.  Every victim deserves justice but it saddens me that some cases get large amounts of attention while others seem to get lost.  So I decided to put Michael Lowther’s case out there on the off chance that someone might know something.  His case deserves to be heard.

November 3, 2001, Michael Lowther was at Shackleford’s restaurant where he worked as a chef.  He sat around for a bit, talking to his boss and sharing stories about Michael’s son and his boss’s soon to be born child.  He left the restaurant about 11:00pm and headed home.  At some point just after midnight, a call came into 911 regarding a shooting.  Michael was found by his car, having been killed by a gunshot wound to the head.

During the investigation, no one reported hearing any kind of argument or any other commotion other than the gunshot.  There are a few pieces of evidence, some that aim at a specific unnamed person but nothing that can definitively say who killed Michael.

I cannot find a photograph of Michael Lowther so I am putting a link to the county website here and ask that you take a few moments and watch the video.  Both the Margaret/Hall and Lowther cases are at this link.  The total video is only thirty-three minutes long.  Please watch it in it’s entirety.




This second link is to the Henrico County, Virginia cold case page.  There are seven other cases listed with videos and information.  Again, please take a few moment to look at these cases and if you know something about any of them, please make that phone call.  Not only the victims but their family and friends deserve some peace.  They deserve justice.  They deserve a short moment of your time.




If you have information, no matter how small you think it is, and do not want to make the call yourself, please send me a private message.  I will pass it on for you.  My email, in case you cannot find it here, is Hallum.Christy1@gmail.com.

I know that someone out there has information on at least one of these cases.  Do the right thing, you know you would want someone to do it for you if it were a member of your family.

Pleasant and Minnie

I want to tell you a story about two people.  Two people who, due to life circumstances were not able to live the life they wanted.  Two people who refused to let others control them and fought to have a little bit of peace.  For this story I am going strictly on family lore.  All who know the intimate details of these two people died long ago and there are no records that I have been able to find that tell their story.

Minnie was a small town country girl who worked in a bakery.  Her father had come from England with next to nothing but fought hard to become a success.  Pleasant came from a family of jewelry experts, going on to open a successful jewelry store with his brother.  I’m not sure how they met, although I do know they loved about four houses away from each other for a time.  Did one walk down the street and catch the other’s eye?  Did they meet through neighbors or one of the boarders who lived in her home?  I know one of her boarders was a watchmaker.  Did he work in Pleasant’s store?  So many questions and no one to give any answers.

Anyway, however they met, Pleasant and Minnie fell in love.  What could be the problem here?  In this case, Pleasant was Catholic and Minnie was Methodist.  Again, what could the problem be? In order to figure this out, stop thinking with a 2015 brain and try to think with a 1940s brain.  Certain religions did not mix and a Catholic man was expected to marry a Catholic woman.  But of course the heart wants what the heart wants and Pleasant wanted Minnie.

I heard no one in my family make any negative comments regarding their relationship.  In fact they seemed to like Pleasant and looked forward to his visits once Minnie moved back to the country.  Obviously I don’t know what his family thought but there is a story that came from the church.  Apparently, someone at the church found out that they were seeing each other and it created such a scandal that a meeting was held to see if he should be excommunicated.  I have found no evidence of any excommunication but, again from family lore, a meeting did take place.

So for the rest of their lives they spent what time they could together.  They grew old, neither marrying, possibly hoping that one day they would be together.  Pleasant died in 1959 at the age of 76, Minnie lived a few more years, dying in 1968 at age 87.  Even in death they could not be together, he was buried in a Catholic cemetery, she in a family plot by her parents.  Maybe I’m just being romantic but I like to think of them together in heaven, finally able to become one with no judgement or guilt.  At least I can dream right?

Lady Jane Grey

On my Facebook page, I have a large number of pages dedicated to historical times or figures.  I woke this morning and started my day normally, checking email, Facebook and a few news sites to make sure nothing important happened overnight.  On a few of these sites, I got reminders that today was the day in 1553, that Lady Jane Grey was crowned as Queen of England.  Now, for some people this would not be that interesting, but for a self admitted historical nerd as myself, I was all over this.  I knew the general story of Lady Jane Grey and how she ascended the throne and her ultimate fate but knew very little about her life, who she was and who she wanted to be.  So that is how I have spent my morning, researching a young girl who died tragically over four hundred years ago.

Jane Grey was born into a noble family about 1537.  She was the daughter of Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk and Lady Frances Brandon.  Jane’s claim to the British throne came through Frances’ mother, Mary Tudor.  Mary was the sister of King Henry VIII and after the death of her first husband, Louis XII, King of France, married Charles Brandon.  Jane was well educated and had been given all the training to run a proper household and uphold the standards of a proper Tudor woman.  She lived a relatively normal life for a girl of her station until she was about the age fifteen.

In the year 1553, Edward VI was King but was in questionable health.  As Edward was only nine years old when he ascended the throne, his kingdom was ruled by a group of advisors who frankly had only their interests at heart.  When it became apparent that Edward would probably not survive, everyone panicked.  According to the terms of King Henry VIII’s will, if his son Edward were to die without an heir, the throne would pass to his daughter, Mary.  Here lies the problem.

At this time in England, there were major struggles between members of the Catholic faith and the Protestant faith.  Edward, as well as his advisors were Protestant, Mary was Catholic…very Catholic.  Mary also blamed many of the people in power at the time for the poor treatment of her mother, Katherine of Aragon.  The last thing anyone wanted was for Mary to become Queen, go back to the Catholic faith and punish them for their misdeeds.  Enter Jane.

Like I said earlier, Jane had a claim to the throne although it was not a strong claim.  There are two schools of thought as to who was the driving force behind the whole Jane/Queen debacle.  Once states that her mother was power hungry and was willing to sacrifice everything she had, including her daughter, to get what she wanted.  The other says that it was her father, who was in cahoots with John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland and wanted to keep what power he had been given and again was willing to sacrifice his daughter.  I don’t know which is true, I think that probably both have a little truth but which was the more prominent driving force we will never know.

What we do know is that around May, 1553, John Dudley and Henry Grey, along with Frances, decided that Jane would marry John’s son, Guilford Dudley.  I believe the plan was that once Jane was Queen she would name Guildford King and sit back and be the dutiful wife but I’m not sure anyone filled Jane in on this plan.  It has been reported that she stated she would name her husband as a Duke and that she would rule herself.  It has also been reported that Jane did not want the throne, but only took what was offered to her.  Offered is a relative term however since the predominant theory is that Jane was forced to accept the throne, with some reports that she was beaten until she agreed.

On the 6th of July, 1553, King Edward VI of England died.  John Dudley and the other advisors decided to keep his death a secret until they could place Jane on the throne so as to keep interference from Mary to a minimum.  Mary of course found out about her brother’s death and began to make arrangements to go to London and claim what she thought rightfully belonged to her.  She assembled supporters, advisors and her court and made her way to London. John Dudley set out with an army of troops to stop her but very quickly saw his plan fall apart.  Members of court, members of Parliament, as well as other royal factions, changed sides and proclaimed Mary to be their Queen of choice.  Jane was told she would have to relinquish her crown which she willingly did, only nine days after accepting the throne.

Mary became Queen and members of the Dudley and Grey families went on trial for treason.  Jane and her husband Guilford were tried and convicted but their death sentence was not carried out right away.  However Jane’s father was not done with his conniving.  He joined with Sir Thomas Wyatt and others to try and have Mary removed from her throne.  This of course failed.  Jane was now seen as a liability and as long as she was alive, she would always be a threat to Mary and unfortunately must be executed.  Jane and Guilford were both executed on the 12th of February, 1554.  Jane was just sixteen years old.

Of course I do not know all of the details of Jane’s life nor do I truly know Jane’s part in all of this but I feel sorry for her.  I feel that she was in way over her head in matters she truly knew very little about and was manipulated by power hungry parents who put their own needs over the needs of their daughter.  I think that she was a pawn for the most powerful position in England and for that she paid with her life.

Happy Independence Day!

I wanted to take a quick moment and wish everyone a wonderful and safe Independence Day weekend.  Just remember though, that it isn’t all about cook outs and pool parties.  We all need to take a moment and remember those who fought for our country’s independence and those who have fought to keep it safe for the last two hundred years.  We may not be a perfect country but we are still the greatest country in the world so let’s take a moment and celebrate that fact.

After the weekend, please send me a note and let me know what you did to celebrate.  Did you spend the weekend with friends and family or did you have some quiet time by the pool.  I can’t wait to hear about it.


I just found out that a girl I went to high school with passed away yesterday.  Although we had not spoken in years, I kept up with her through social media, just as I have with many classmates.  She was a wonderful woman with a wife and two very young children as well as a large group of family and friends who will miss her dearly.

Please take a few moments to let the ones closest to you just how much you love them.  You never know if you will have another day, so take advantage of this day.

Email List

Well, here we go again…the beginning of what looks to be an amazing weekend.  I hope you all are doing well and have some fun, exciting plans for not only this weekend, but the upcoming 4th of July weekend.  Go out and celebrate our country’s independence and enjoy the time with family and friends.

I have been thinking about starting an email list.  I want to be able to keep up with the people who read my ramblings and make sure everyone is aware of any news.  If you would like to be included on this list please send me a message.  You can message me here, you can email me at Hallum.Christy1@gmail.com or you can look me up on Facebook under Christy Hallum (make sure you are under the “writer” site, there are a few others out there and I wouldn’t want you to follow the wrong one).

Hope to hear from you soon……